Sara Joffe

Partner, Core Consultant
Sara works with organizational leaders, staff, and members to get through stuck places and navigate the challenges of organizational transformation.
Sara believes that to be most effective in bringing about the change we want in the world, progressive organizations need to become adept at embracing conflict, difference and contradiction. This means attending to internal dynamics: seeking out multiple perspectives, addressing power and other inequities, working through difficult conversations and designing new systems or structures to sustain more open communication.
Born and raised in South Africa, Sara became an anti-apartheid activist at a young age and remains passionate about her commitment as a white person to racial justice. Her specialty is creating the capacity to bridge differences and manage challenging conversations, along with integrating an awareness of interconnected systems of oppression and power dynamics into all aspects of organizational life. She has done this for the past 30 years as a facilitator, mediator, organizational development consultant and coach.
Sara holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Cape Town, in South Africa, and a M.Ed. from Temple University. She is also trained in the Gestalt approach to organizational development through the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and the Gestalt International Study Center in Cape Cod.
Sara lives in Philadelphia, where she enjoys singing Broadway show tunes off-key with her partner and daughter.