Allison Erdneka Budschalow

Partner, Core Consultant
Allison is a people person with decades of experience in bringing folks together to build toward common goals. She has vast experience in doing this in the form of resource generation (or fundraising) based on her many years as lead development staff for community-based organizations. Allison loves to help groups increase their individual and collective power through resourcing their work with an emphasis on grassroots fundraising. Most recently, she has co-created Securing the Roots, a six month fellowship to build people-power through a resource generation, mobilization and reclamation framework.
In her work with Dragonfly, she enjoys facilitating groups of all sizes through an exploration of who they are and what they are invested in, opening up ways for them to stretch and find growth. With knowledge of organizational development, an eye toward strategy, and expertise in virtual engagement, she has been navigating the pandemic skillfully, bringing folks together even as we are physically apart.
Prior to her resource generation and mobilization work, she served on staff at the American Friends Service Committee, supporting social movements around the U.S. and globally. She also had the privilege of being a lead organizer of the first U.S. Social Forum, held in Atlanta in 2007. Allison has served on the boards of directors for a number of Philadelphia-based organizations.
As the first person in her family to graduate from college, Allison received her BA in Sociology/Anthropology from Earlham College and her MA in Sustainable Businesses and Communities from Goddard College. Born and raised in Philly and determined to raise her kids there, too, she is a member of the Kalmyk Mongol diaspora and is always excited to investigate the intersections of food, gentrification, race, class, and story-telling in her spare time.